
Daydreaming on nature - investigating the power of mind-wandering. 2016

Jerome L. Singer, professor and psychologist, studied the benefits of daydreaming, imagination, and fantasy as essential elements of a healthy, satisfying mental life. "These mental activities are, in fact, central to the task of meaning making, of developing and maintaining an understanding of oneself in the world. Certainly a large share of mind wandering occurs without permission or awareness. But some mind wandering occurs because we actively choose to decouple from external tasks and perceptions and focus instead on an internal stream of thought with full awareness both of the choice being made and the contents of consciousness."
In that sense, daydreaming is an important part of a creative practice.

With - Daydreaming on nature - Marine Coutroutsios explores the benefits of incorporating elements of nature into her work. Sometimes, life can appear disconnected from nature but by focusing her work around plants, Marine feels it is a way to reconnect and balance her life. 
Inspired by artists, for whom nature was a creative muse, she explored their relationship with plants.
Henri Rousseau created his jungle inspired artworks from a variety of available popular sources, associating plants from different continents and making imaginary places. 
Frida Kahlo's lush garden was an healing sanctuary when she was too sick and confined into her home and nurtured her creativity. 
Claude Monet, hired up to seven gardeners to create a garden, that would be his inspiration for his paintings. 

Daydreaming on nature is a meditative space where viewers are invited to reflect on their own relationship with their surroundings.

©Marine Coutroutsios 2014-2024

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