Freelance Editorial Illustrator
Hi, I'm Marine Coutroutsios, an illustrator based in France.
Selected clients :
Europe : Revue XXI, Le Monde, Télérama, Les Echos, Bastille Magazine, L'Eléphant la revue, Alternatives Economiques, Santé & Travail, Agence Alter Echos, Le Particulier, Le Pèlerin, Philéas & Autobule, Le Journal Albert, Pomelo
USA : Plansponsor, Planadviser
Australia : Look Magazine
"Mon grimoire de sorcellerie" : written by Alice Durand, illustrated by Marine Coutroutsios, published by Delachaux et Niestlé
Arte Radio, Louie Media, Shortcut
Contact : Instagram LinkedIn
Represented in France by Agent 002
Member of the Collectif Patates
Biography :
Since graduating in Visual Arts, I had several careers. I worked as a Sculptor, an Interior Designer, a Paper Engineer and then as an Illustrator when I came back to France after living several years in Australia.
I am now based in Grenoble, surrounded by the Alps, so when I'm not drawing you'll find me hiking, looking for mountains goats and wild flowers.
Copyrights of all pictures published on this website are reserved by Marine Coutroutsios. No material published here can be copied, reproduced, posted, used in any way without my written permission.